
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Life of Constant Mayhem

Today has been trying at best. I will take a few minutes to explain. But then it's off to bed I go. I truly think working was easier than being a stay-at-home Mom! Props to you that do it every day because it is NOT easy! What with the diapers and the crying and the drool. And that's just getting Nate ready for work in the morning!

I kid, I kid.

Or do I?

First, I'm pretty sure Cooper is cutting more teeth. At least, that's what the screaming is telling me. Poor guy just can't catch a break. He finally is feeling better after being out of day care and now he's got this going for him.

Second, Lola scared the holy moly out of this gal walking down the road tonight. There was just too much going on for her. See, the dog across the street was out barking at her and then all of the sudden this gal comes down the road with her two dogs. She couldn't contain herself. She broke through that electric fence and went chasing as fast as 61 pounds on toothpick legs could go all while twitching from the electricity running through her. And that poor girl walking the dogs. She had to of peed herself a little. I mean, how would you feel if this came barreling after you...

Intimidating, I know.

And with that, I now leave you with a picture of my dear Cooper breaking the law at the local Mexican restaurant the other night. Look closely at the sign behind him.

Now that I look at it you can't read it. It says something along the lines of staying off the horse and that the restaurant isn't responsible for injuries. So naturally, we put our kid on it.

You know, because we're good parents like that.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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