
Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Bulldog's Request

Cooper refuses to crawl.  And you know what?  That's okay.  Because he'll do it in his own time when he's ready.  But today when he was on his belly on his new rug, a small request was made from Lola.

See, I know that she doesn't want him to crawl.  Because when that happens, the tiny bit of serenity that's left in this house will fly right out the window.  And she knows that.  She also knows that her ears will be pulled, her nub of a tail will be pulled, and the chances of her sleeping for 23 1/2 hours a day are going to be slim to none.

And here's how she knows.

My kid is cute.

 Dang cute.

So here he is.  Scooting around.  Lifting up the rug.  You know.  Typical baby stuff.

And this is what Lola was doing.  This is probably nap 18 or 19 for the day.

And this is her tongue.  Just in case you wanted to see it.

Cooper then discovered that Lola was behind him.  This is where it starts getting dangerous folks.

Sidenote:  Please ignore the crate in the background.  We're in the process of buying a shed and until we get it, the crate is stored in the den.  I know.  You're jealous of my decorating sense.

Naturally, if there is a bulldog behind you, you must reach for it.  I mean, what else would you do?  Ignore it?

And eventually, if you reach enough, you're bound to roll over.

But Mama will be there to help you out and distract you from Lola Bug and onto a train.

Come on baby!  Crawl to it!

This is the look you'll get from a bulldog if you repeatedly make a loud "Choo!  Choo!" noise. 

Not pleased ladies and gentlemen.  Not pleased.

But invariably, the kid will find the bulldog again and push and pull and torment.

Poor bullydog.

But the bulldog takes a break from her nap and fights back!

That's right girl!  Get 'em!

Then they catch me taking pictures.  Frightening how alike the look is that they're giving me.

Yip.  Downright frightening.

Eventually Lola Bug gets sick of it and turns her back to the whole situation.  She's got napping to do gosh darn it!

But dear Cooper.  He still persists.

Why won't he do that with crawling?

And the poor girl tries not to care.  She really does.

But enough is enough, and she must vacate the premises before she really loses her temper.

And her request?  Her plea?  Her cry?

Please don't learn to crawl.  It's not good for my napping habits.

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