I have been so behind on so many things. My list is not getting accomplished nearly as quickly as I would like, I haven't been able to update the blog as regularly as I like, and I go back to work in just over two weeks. Holy. Cow.
So I'm trying to get caught up and as I do I see that there are a ton of pictures that I haven't downloaded from my camera. I certainly cannot write about everything in one post because there is just too much. So we'll just take it day by day. Goodness knows I won't run out of content!
On Fourth of July weekend we went to my sister-in-law Meredith's boss's house. (Did you get that?) Anyways, Nate goes hunting with him fairly regularly and he and his wife are good friends. They have a BEAUTIFUL home with an awesome pool.
So we got the kids suited up, Pa and Daddy suited up, the floaties blew up, and it was pool time!
Kinley and Pa. Check out how cute that swimsuit is! Her Auntie Stacia might have bought it for her. What can I say?
Alright, so I need a little girl. But seriously. If you had a niece as cute as Kinley wouldn't you buy her all sorts of adorable things too?
Before you judge let me explain. It was hot that day. Like, hotter than Hades hot. And we needed to find a floatation device for my boy. And see, we looked and looked at Toys 'R' Us, and this is all that we could find.
Yes, I understand it's pink.
Yes, I understand that he's a boy.
And yes. The float was left behind for Kinley.
I'm pretty sure he's trying to get some point about something across to his Daddy here. I'm sure it's important. But I have no idea what it is.
This is Kimbo, Meredith's boss's son's (HA!) new dog. He is a DOLL. I wanted to put him in the diaper bag and bring him home.
Wonder what Lola would have thought about that. I'm pretty sure she's still not over us bringing Cooper home.
The loves of my life.
Who could possibly say no to a face like that? I have a feeling that my wallet is really going to be hurting in a few years.
I love her. By the way, she's going to be one in just under a month. Where did the time go?
I dare you to try to sport a Mohawk and make it look as good as what he does.
I can tell you right now. It. Won't. Happen.
I often asked Nannie and Pa what it's like to be the grandparents of the two cutest kids in the world.
And usually, there aren't words.
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