
Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Hot Day At The Fair

Earlier this week, Nate and I decided to take Cooper to the Monroe County Fair.  First off, let me say this.  Any parent who decided to take their kids to the fair this week deserves a "Parent of the Year" award.  It is smokin' hot in Indiana and there's something about walking into the fairgrounds that makes the heat raise about 15 degrees.  Maybe it's the manure.

Anyways, we went on bracelet night and it was somewhat a madhouse.  We only saw two family fights, so it was a relatively calm night.  Ah, the fair.  I love it.

A really neat thing about going to the fair is that I get to see a lot of animals that belong to my students, both past and present.  It's interesting because I get to see them in a school setting, but not much outside.  Like, I didn't know that little Susie has horses.  Or that Davey has pigs.  Really, it's pretty cool to see what they do.  You know, besides ignore me in class or talk about my lack of fashion.

I kid, I kid!

Well, kind of.

We started off with the horses.  Cooper really liked looking at them, but touching?  Not so much.

Then we went to the sheep.  Again, looking but no touching. 

Sure.  Do that at the fair.  But if I take you to an antique shop you'd have your hands all over everything.  And probably break a $1,000 vase.

This little guy was hilarious.  He had his head out and wanted to be pet by everybody.  He was pretty spunky.  I liked that about him.

And I'd like you to see what's happening here.  Nate takes Cooper's hand to show him to pet and...

...he instantly pulls it back.  Dude, it's not grass.  It's okay to touch it.

This guy can grow a mean beard, huh?  Don't tell him I told you this, but I think Nate might have been a little jealous.

This is the only picture that I have of the pigs.  Curious, how Nate doesn't seem too hip on petting them.

By the way, how handsome is my husband?

Never have I ever, in all of my years, seen pigeons at the county fair.  Ne-vah.  I didn't even know that you could show pigeons!  Oh Greene County, how you have sheltered me!

I thought these bunnies were awesome!  Nate knows what they were called, but as he is sleeping soundly with his back turned to me right now I can't tell you what it is.  That is, unless I wake him up.  Hmmm...

Nah, better not.

And finally, checking out the roosters.

And I know what you all are dying to know.  What did we eat?  You see, there's this little bit of a guilty pleasure I have.  I love fair food.  LOVE it.  Like, I can be a total embarrassment to anyone around me because all I want to do is eat the entire time I'm at the fair.  The smell of the pig manure can't even turn me away.  Must...have...fair food.

I ended up eating two corn dogs and drinking a lemon shake-up.  I would have ate more.  In fact, I wanted to.  But you see, Nate only had one little hot dog.  And it was then that I realized that maybe I have a problem.  But it's not one I'm willing to rehab.  Nope.  Fair food is my thing.

Boy, I wish I would have gotten an elephant ear though.

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