
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

The day has come.  That day where we get all lovey dovey, smell too many fragrant flowers, and eat too much chocolate.  Or I eat too much chocolate.  Is it sad when you tell your husband that the only thing you want for Valentine's Day is a box of chocolates?  And then you know that they won't last until the morning of February 15th?

Anyways, as I was thinking about the day I had a little reflection.  I'm lucky enough to have two Valentines this year.  Let me describe them to you.

The first has been my Valentine for seven years now.  He's my rock, my peace, my soul.  He is an amazing man that showed me what true love is the moment he took me on that first date.  Through our years together I've seen him become a strong man in his work, a decision maker in our house, and soon I will watch him for the first time become an academic mind.  But the role I love him in most (besides that of my husband) is his role as a father.  When it comes to our son, there is nothing that will stand in his way to provide everything for him that is possible.  He is selfless and loving and it doesn't matter what he's doing, he will drop it if the little guy walks up to him with a basketball and wants to play.  There is nothing that will make my heart swell more than seeing the two of them together.

Photo courtesy of Cornelius Photography

Photo courtesy of Ericka Hostetter Photography

Photo courtesy of Ericka Hostetter Photography

My second Valentine is the littlest man in my life.  He's adorable and cute and every other synonym for sweet.  He fills my soul with joy.  I never knew that hearing, "Mama!" would be quite so wonderful.  He is everything that a little boy should be.  He plays and runs and causes total chaos, but he also takes those few moments to lay his head on his Mama's chest.  He pats my back when I hug him and he leans in when I ask for a kiss.  I don't have a lot of years like this left, so I don't take them for granted now.  He is an amazing, wonderful, precious child.

Monthly pictures courtesy of Ericka Hostetter Photography

I was going to add Lola to my list of Valentines, but seeing as she's holding out for Blue II I didn't think that she would appreciate it.

Just imagine their babies...

God has blessed me so richly.  Not a day goes by that I don't look around in wonderment and wonder how I became so incredibly lucky.

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