
Monday, February 27, 2012

My Little Secret

So I have a little problem. I tend to be a bit of a blabber mouth. And people don't tell me secrets because of it.

And I can't blame them. I mean, if you don't want something told then you don't tell somebody that's going to open their mouth.

It's not like I do it intentionally. I just don't always take the time to think before I speak and out comes information that wasn't supposed to come out.

Just ask my cousin Chris who found out about the yellow sweater she was getting for Christmas when I was about six.

What I'm getting at is that there is a little bit more of a reason than what I have been letting on as to why I have been absent from the blog lately.

I have a big secret.

And if I was to blog, I was going to spill the beans.

Because you see, this kind of secret is the best kind of secret. It's the kind of secret that you want to shout to the world. It's the kind that you want everybody to know.

You see, this secret is the best secret of all.

I'm pregnant.

I like to say that this pregnancy is unexpected, but definitely not unwelcome. As we weren't planning on trying to have another baby until the time that this one is due, you can imagine that it was a bit of a surprise to the husband and I.

My sister-in-law is pregnant. I was all prepared to let her take the reins on this one. I'd follow up after Baby B is born.

But you know what they say. If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.

So this year, around September 3, we will welcome a new blessing into our family. A little bundle of joy. Another little Myers that will take ahold of my heart.

And I get to take you all along for the ride.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

The day has come.  That day where we get all lovey dovey, smell too many fragrant flowers, and eat too much chocolate.  Or I eat too much chocolate.  Is it sad when you tell your husband that the only thing you want for Valentine's Day is a box of chocolates?  And then you know that they won't last until the morning of February 15th?

Anyways, as I was thinking about the day I had a little reflection.  I'm lucky enough to have two Valentines this year.  Let me describe them to you.

The first has been my Valentine for seven years now.  He's my rock, my peace, my soul.  He is an amazing man that showed me what true love is the moment he took me on that first date.  Through our years together I've seen him become a strong man in his work, a decision maker in our house, and soon I will watch him for the first time become an academic mind.  But the role I love him in most (besides that of my husband) is his role as a father.  When it comes to our son, there is nothing that will stand in his way to provide everything for him that is possible.  He is selfless and loving and it doesn't matter what he's doing, he will drop it if the little guy walks up to him with a basketball and wants to play.  There is nothing that will make my heart swell more than seeing the two of them together.

Photo courtesy of Cornelius Photography

Photo courtesy of Ericka Hostetter Photography

Photo courtesy of Ericka Hostetter Photography

My second Valentine is the littlest man in my life.  He's adorable and cute and every other synonym for sweet.  He fills my soul with joy.  I never knew that hearing, "Mama!" would be quite so wonderful.  He is everything that a little boy should be.  He plays and runs and causes total chaos, but he also takes those few moments to lay his head on his Mama's chest.  He pats my back when I hug him and he leans in when I ask for a kiss.  I don't have a lot of years like this left, so I don't take them for granted now.  He is an amazing, wonderful, precious child.

Monthly pictures courtesy of Ericka Hostetter Photography

I was going to add Lola to my list of Valentines, but seeing as she's holding out for Blue II I didn't think that she would appreciate it.

Just imagine their babies...

God has blessed me so richly.  Not a day goes by that I don't look around in wonderment and wonder how I became so incredibly lucky.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Long Time No See!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  It's been a long time.  I get it.  I have several excuses.  With the holidays, illness, more illness, and a hectic schedule, the Myers have been quite busy.  There are many other things as well, which I will get to in the following posts.  I thought, however, that I would use this post to update you on the happenings in our life over the past, oh, three months.

Where to begin?  Well, we've found out that we are going to be an Aunt/Uncle/cousin again, as my sister-in-law Meredith is expecting a baby on August 8th.  Excitement is a bit of an understatement right now.  If she could just hold out for two more days maybe the little munchkin will be born on my birthday!  I don't share well, but for a little niece or nephew I would do it gladly!  Besides, I don't so much like celebrating birthdays anymore.  My numbers are getting a tad too high.

We've been in and out of the doctor's office.  Coop has had five, yes FIVE, ear infections since the tubes were put in.  We now are battling eczema as well.  However, the kid is a champ.  I mean, he is awesome.  For a kid that is sick as what he is, he's always so well mannered and just, well, happy.  I'm pretty proud of him, and his father would say the same thing. 

Speaking of Cooper, he has a new love in his life in the form of Alvin and the Chipmunks.  We watch it on a daily basis, sometimes twice.  Between "Witch Doctor" and "Christmas Don't Be Late" we are about Alvin-ed out.  Don't get me wrong, it's a great movie, but come on!  Every day is a little excessive, don'tcha think?

Lola is doing well.  Her current spot is directly in front of the fireplace as it is FREEZING in Ellettsville right now.  Since Christmas, she has gotten her chops on most of Coop's toys.  If we're lucky, we catch her in time.  She usually will pick one out, lay it on the floor in front of her, nose it a bit, look at us out of the corner of her eye like she's asking if it's acceptable to eat it, and then promptly get yelled at for taking his toy.  Then she gives us a look like this:

And as much as you want to keep yelling, you can't because, well come on!  Look at that face!

In our spare time, Nate has been studying for the GMAT, which he took yesterday and did very well on.  His goal is to start back to school next Fall to get his MBA.  If you know Nate, you know he'll do great at this.  I'm pretty proud of him.

Of course, IU basketball has been on our priority list.  While we are always and will always be fans, the past few years have been nothing less than a struggle.  We would watch, but usually with a grimace.  But now...well now it's a pleasurable experience and we can't wait until the next game.

Other than that, I think that we are all very excited that Spring is not too far away as we're all ready to get outside.  I got a bike for Christmas (that's right, with an attachable carriage for Coop to ride in...the posts from that should be ha-larious) and I'm anxious to get out on it.  I'm ready for Bobby and Cheri to open the pool, I'm ready for the trees to start budding, I'm ready to go outside without a coat on.  Bring on the flip flops, tank tops, and outdoor grilling.  I want flowers in my flower pots and I want to see green grass.  I want there to be sunlight at 9:00 and I want to wake up to it at 6:00.  Yes, this girl is ready for Spring and Summer.  BRING IT ON.

That's all for now.  A brief update, but an update nonetheless.  I promise to try to be better.  We have lots of stuff going on in the next several months that I think you will be interested in.  So come on back ya'll.  Ya hear?