These are probably the words that have been coming to your mind lately as you've logged on to the blog and saw that there have been no updates. Alright, maybe not all of you. But definitely my sister-in-law, who sent me a text telling me that she knows I'm busy but to get back to work on the blog because she reads it during her lunch break at work (love you Meredith!!). But I have a good excuse! Let me explain before you go getting all judgemental and quit visiting! Truthfully, my excuses are good!
First off, there's this kid in my life. The little booger is just a handful. You see, last week he ended up with SEVEN teeth in his mouth. Now, I don't think this is natural. Four on top and three on bottom. And don't tell him I told you this, but I'm pretty sure he's going to have buck teeth like his Mama. Nobody gave me the memo on this, but once kids get teeth on top and bottom they tend to BITE. Um, that's not cool. Just don't stick your fingers in his mouth to find out if there's another one coming in and you should be fine. I'm only down to eight fingers now. Another excuse for no blog post lately.
Then there's the matter of the pink eye. I went to pick Cooper up from day care last week and the gal that keeps him was holding him, looking at me like, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what to do!" Alright, it wasn't so much like that. But she did feel bad because he felt bad. Note: ***DIVERT EYES NOW IF YOU CANNOT DEAL WITH INFANT GROSSNESS. So I go to look at him and he, quite literally, had green goo coming out of his eyes and his nose. A trip to the pediatrician and a quick 50 minute wait later and we found out that he had pink eye and a double ear infection. Poor baby. However, we caught it pretty early and the next morning he looked fabulous.
But this is what he looked like before...
Then there was Mother's Day. My first, if you all recall. Let me say this, I love being a Mama. LOVE IT. My little one fills me with more joy than is imaginable for someone who hasn't had the fortunate blessing of being a parent. We got up, went to church for 1/2 hour (see story below, also WARNING: DIVERT EYES FROM STORY IF YOU CANNOT DEAL WITH INFANT GROSSNESS), came home and did some laundry (again, see story below), took a nap, went to Lowe's, Nate did landscaping on the side of the house (to be pictured at a later time) and then cooked me a wonderful steak meal. I went to bed full, content, and high on life. I'm blessed.
So why were we only in church for 1/2 hour. Here's your last chance to scroll on down...
We get up, move around, bask in the day that is sunny and made for Mama's. What a wonderful day. We get ready for church, Nate and Cooper in matching outfits of course. So now you're asking, "Stacia, why haven't you posted a picture of them in their adorable outfits on a beautiful day?" And it's because it's just like any other day in my life. We put Cooper in the cutest outfit possible, stride in to church all happy and healthy and cute, show him off in his little outfit to the congregation, sing a couple of songs, stand up for scripture reading, prayer, and another song, and then we hear it. The awful river like sound in the diaper, matched with the grunt and furrowed eyebrows of the face. In a stealthly manner that can only be achieved by my wonderful husband, we rush Cooper back to the nursery to assess the damage. I'll tell you folks, it wasn't pretty. Almost a full container of wipes and a dirty car seat later, we placed Coop back into his car seat in nothing but a diaper because, well, the car seat was dirty and it wouldn't have been smart to put him in a clean outfit just to get it covered in poo.
Sidenote: Why do my poo stories always take the longest to tell?
So that was Sunday. Monday I woke up revived and ready to start a new week. Well, almost. Okay, the reality is I overslept and barely had enough time to pump, get myself ready, and get the milk and bags ready for the day. But we did it and I wasn't going to be late for work. We get Cooper in the car, Daddy kisses him good-bye, and finally Mommy and baby are off! Well, not really. See, I tried to start my car but it wouldn't happen. I tried again. And again. Turns out I had a bad battery. So we unload the baby and all three bags that it takes to get us where we need to go in the morning, and off we go with Daddy. Poor guy. We took Coop to day care, then we drove to the south side of town where I had a meeting, then I hitched a ride to Tri-North where I worked and then waited for Nate to pick me up. By the way, I forgot my lunch at home and my sub for the day didn't show up to teach my class at Tri-North. Sometimes I think God tests us. If so, yesterday was my test. I hope I passed!
What else, you ask? Why else would I not have a chance to get on to the computer and give you the (sometimes sordid) details of my life? Well, let me explain.
First off, Nate and Cooper got me this super nice camera for Mother's Day. I'm pumped about it. The goal is to learn to take very nice pictures of my baby boy (maybe some of his Daddy and Lola too) and post them on the blog. Along with my detailed, literal, often explicit stories. No fears. I know you were scared they'd be gone. Anyways, I'm grateful for the gift they got me. It was extremely generous. I'm excited about learning something new!
Another thing that you all might like to know is that I will be going back to Tri-North full-time next year. It's truly a blessing and I am so happy. I love my middle school students. This is the age group that I love to teach. They light up my life every day and I will honestly say, there is never a dull moment! It will be nice to be home full-time! I just hope Tri-North is ready for me!
So, I've laid it all out there. I've told you why I haven't been a good blogger. I've told you the good, the bad, and the poopy. Do you forgive me?
***Sidenote: Pictures will hopefully be back tomorrow. My computer is STILL down. Danged ole technology...
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