
Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Beauty of Winning

Let me first apologize because there was going to be a really good post last night but Blogger was down.  Because of this, the really good post had to wait until today.

What dictates a "really good post" you ask?  And how did this "really good post" come around?  Well, let me answer that for you.

You see, I am a Cardinals fan.  Have been my whole life.  My father is so proud.  He has been known to say I bleed Cardinal red.  That is, until August 4, 2007.

That's the day that I married a Cubs fan.

In an effort to keep things interesting in our marriage (get your head out of the gutter, it's clean!) we make a friendly wager every time there is a series between the Cubs and the Cards.

And this time, my beloved Cards pulled through.

My dear husband, who I love with every fiber of my being (and who I will NOT let raise our son a Cubs fan) is now going to be doing a guest blog for you today.

It's a break for you.  A break for your eyes.  No stories about poo (or at least, I don't think).  I can make no promises as I have no idea what he is going to write about.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the keyboard stylings of my fabulous husband, Mr. Nate Myers.

Why thank you very much!

As my beautiful wife has so ampley explained, it is time for my big moment as a guest poster on my favorite blog. Coming into this I have been almost giddy with excitement, as the possibilities for what this post may lead to are endless. Could this catapult me into being the next Mark Twain? Could my comedic stylings be picked up by the mainstream media, and get me a gig as a host of a comedy show on XM radio? In the end I am just anxious to see what this may, scratch that, will do for my career.

I am coming to you today because I lost a bet. Due to the lack luster play of my beloved Cubbies vs. their hated rivals the St. Louis Cardinals, you will be subjected to the mind that is Nate Myers. In order to give you some insight into this betting, I must go back to my childhood and share with you what has been taken  from me. Growing up I was a big Cardinals and Cubs fan. The Cubs because of my Grandparents. The Cardinals because of the Wizard. Ozzie Smith was the reason for my baseball season. The exquisite glove work, the happy go lucky personality, and oh yes the sweet back flip were all reasons for my love of the Cards. There was also Vince Coleman and Willie McGee (on my all ugly team by the way). They were aggressive, athletic, exciting and ultimately fun to watch. So what brings me to betting against a team that I once loved? There is one word, and one word only......STACIA!

Until I met Stacia, and her family, I was unaware of how insufferable Cardinals fans could be. Everyone knows that Yankees, Red Sox, and Ohio State fans are, but not the Cardinals. This is fair warning to all of you, don't turn your back on Cardinals fans, or at the very least, the Rogers clan from Worthington. Thank you for taking part of my childhood away from me Rich, Kim and Stacia.

Now that I have set the stage and the suspense has built, let me get to the main topic of my post. I will leave it to you to decide if this topic was chosen by yours truly. The topic of my post is: "Why I have the most wonderful wife in the world."

Because of this topic, I could write all day as there are so many things that I could say. However in an effort to get you back to your busy days, I will try to give you the Cliffs Notes version.

First and foremost I have the best wife because of the way she loves me. One thing that is for certain, Stacia will always be in my corner and there to support me. When I think of Stacia I think of unconditional love. Believe me, there have been some times throughout our days together, that if that wasn't the case, I fear that I would have been sent packing a long time ago.

Second is her kindness. In our six years together I have only heard her say something bad about two people, and even at that it wasn't that bad. By the way the two people absolutely deserved it, and Stacia handled herself during that time with great class and dignity. Stacia has a huge heart and is constantly interested in being good to, and helping others.

Third, is Stacia's beauty. From the first time I saw her, eventhough she doesn't think so, I was drawn to her. I remember like yesterday seeing her at work and thinking that is one good looking girl, and also thinking unfortunately she is still in college and I am getting older every day. It only took me two summers, but I was finally able to attract her with my Arnold Schwarznegger body and my Denzel face.  Little did I know that fateful summer is that we were only one low cut black top away from a wonderful life together.

The final reason I am going to write about today, in the saga of why I have the best wife in the world, is that she is a wonderful mom to the best gift I have ever been given. He stands a little over two feet tall, has seven teeth, and is the best looking boy I have ever seen (even though he has cried the entire time I have been writing this post). I assume by now, that the followers of this blog have been introduced to the boy I am talking about. Anyway, Stacia takes such wonderful care of Coop and has sacrificed a lot (Chocolate and Sweet Tea to name a few) to assure that he was healthy and well taken care of. Stacia did everything right from the time we first knew about him and continues today. She truly wants to give him the best chance to grow up to be a healthy and successful man.

So those are just a few reasons that I love my beautiful wife and think she is the best in the world. Thank you for sitting through my ramblings. Until the next Cubs vs. Cards series, I bid you farewell.

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