
Thursday, April 14, 2011

We Have a Problem

There is a problem of huge proportions in the Myers family. So big that I dare not speak of it. Well, alright. Since you twisted my arm.

I love television. LOVE it. It relaxes me. It takes me away from the stress of the world and puts me into a mystical land of laugh tracks and smutty drama. Until Nate comes home. Or to bed. Or anywhere within 3 feet of the television.

You see, I have specific shows that I like to watch. Nate watches a lot of them. We watch these shows together and the rest get DVR'd. For me anyways. Nate doesn't have to do this. Why, you ask? Because HE DOMINATES THE TELEVISION! I will be perfectly content, laying in bed before he comes up, watching some television show about a housewife or a wedding dress or a house hunt. I divert my eyes for no more than two seconds and BAM! The Golf Channel is on. Usually. Sometimes it goes BAM! Lion eating it's prey. Now, there are shows on The Golf Channel that I enjoy, all of them being related to reality television. However, I do not care about adjusting my swing to get more out of my driver. I do not want to watch the wildebeest stealthy stalk whatever he's planning on having for dinner. I just want to sit down, enjoy some smut, and relax. I certainly do not want to learn and I certainly do not want to see blood.

Go ahead. Ask Nate about this. He can't deny it.

We had day care yesterday. They always ask that we leave an outfit in case a child somehow messes up the first (and I use that term loosely). Cooper starts out the day in a darling outfit of navy pants and a long sleeved onesie. He messes it up (again, term is loose) and they put a second one on him. As he's being changed, he decides to mess up the second (get why the term is used loosely now?). So they have no other outfits because surely he won't mess up two whole outfits in seven hours! Wrong. And so when I picked him up, he was wearing this little lovely.

Needless to say, he won't be wearing this beautiful ensemble again.

Unless he messes up another outfit.

UPDATE: Since posting this entry, Nate has read it. He first told me that the wildebeest does not stalk, it gets stalked. My bad. And then, for good measure, he lectured me on how my lack of taste for educational television has kept me from learning that the wildebeest is not a natural predator. I can't make this stuff up folks.

He then asked me to go to sleep because this is his time of the night to spend by himself. My, my how three and a half years of marriage and a baby changes things!

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