
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Seven Months of Bliss

***I tried to post this last night but have been experiencing difficulties with technology. Please forgive me.***

Okay, so I may have promised you a post Tuesday. And I may not have done it. But hey! I have a kid! And a husband on a fishing trip! And I teach middle schoolers all day long! Cut me some slack!

The most important thing that I can tell you today is that Cooper is seven months old. SEVEN MONTHS! Where in the world did the time go? How did he get so old so fast? How did he get so big? It doesn't make sense to me. However, I will tell you this. It has been the most fabulous seven months. No two days are the same. Cooper is getting big, he's growing, he's thriving. He's this wonderful, precious, special little boy that warms my heart and makes me feel all melty inside. Happy seven month birthday booger face! I love you with all that I have!

Now, I know it's been a while so let me update you with some news from the week.

First, I have to give a great big shout out to Ashley and Mike Harroll on the arrival of Hank and Toby last Friday (4/15). Mom, Cooper, and I were able to visit the twins on Sunday and they are SO precious. Hank was 4 pounds 1 ounce and Toby was 2 pounds 12 ounces. They are just the cutest little things ever. Congratulations you two! Now, when's the next one coming? I kid, I kid!

Nate has been on a fishing trip with his Dad this week. But no fears, I've not been lonely! My Mom, my Aunt, and my Grandma have been keeping me plenty occupied during his absence. And truthfully, I don't know if they come to see me at all. I'm pretty sure that it all has to do with Cooper.

Insert frowning face.

Anyways, I haven't received any pictures with giant bass fish attached to the end of the line. I would say that's not a good sign. But I do know that he's having a wonderful time and that he sounds relaxed and rejuvinated when I talk to him on the phone.

By the way, did I mention that Cooper started saying "Dada" this week? It seems that as soon as Nate left he decided to take it upon himself to begin talking about him. When he said it last night I'm pretty sure Grandma Gloria's chin hit the floor. It was hilarious. And he says it in the cutest, tiniest little voice. I love that kid.

Some people think that I'm nuts. Those people pretty much consist of the gals that I work with that find me rather anal, overprotective, etc. (PS - I love these women. They keep me sane through the day). So when I walked in to the lunch the other day and proudly announced that I had started planning Cooper's first birthday party they smiled those big, toothy smiles that plainly say, "I think you have officially lost your mind," and gave each other sideways glances that confirmed said look. I can't help it. It's who I am. It's who I'll always be. But oh, just let me tell you, this kid is going to have a par-tay. I'll leave the details out of it for now. But I'm pretty sure my kid is going to be the talk of the town. It's going to be like "My Super Sweet First." He's probably going to ask for a BMW or a horse or even worse, belly dancers at the party. Oy.

I leave you with several pictures that I have taken over the past several days. I have many. I know. You're shocked.

Last Saturday we went to the Crop for the Cure put on by my cousin Kae at Rose-Hulman. It's such a wonderful event and she works so hard to raise money for breast cancer awareness.

Here's a picture of Coop at the Crop.

And here's a picture of Cooper eating a carrot that Grandma Glo gave him at the Crop. Tisk, tisk.

Because the carrot wasn't quite enough (or maybe because Mommy took it away, choking hazard Grandma!) he stretched out, stiff as a board style, for a bottle.
Now, when you go to an event where there are hundreds of women, and you keep getting picked up by them and held with your head in their bossoms and told how cute you are, it can tend to wear a person out.

But one must strive on! Keep up and never go to sleep! Because there are too many women to look at! Too many women to flirt with! And too many compliments to hear!

That is, until you get home...

This is a picture of something very dear to me. My first full sweet tea from McDonald's since around December of 2009. You know, pregnancy and breastfeeding and all. But the temptation overcame me, and I didn't care if my kid was all hopped up on caffeine. I NEEDED that sweet tea. It was calling for me.

On Sunday of last week we went to Indy to see Ashley and the twins and also to pick up Aunt Tanja. After such a long day, a person just wants to come home and chill out in their pajamas that are too small for them.

But evenutally, sleep will overcome you. "TURN THE LIGHT OFF MOM!"

What a cutie...

...until it's time for some medicine. Yeah, Nate. Thanks for leaving us for the week. The week he's on an antibiotic. Noooo, you won't be paid back.

Screaming while taking the medicine was just too overwhelming.

Chillin' out. Getting some exercise. Working on my glutes.

Lola misses Nate.

To crawl or not to crawl. Definitely not to crawl. It's too much work.

Geez. Exercise, thinking about crawling, it's just more than a kid can handle.

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