It has been a wonderful Easter. We woke up, Cooper (with Daddy's help) opened up his Easter basket from the Easter Bunny, and then we headed to Worthington for church. We then went to Grandma Gloria's house and had so much food that we about burst at the seams. Cooper got lots of gifts and did an indoor Easter egg hunt with Uncle Todd. Of course, everybody that found eggs gave them to Cooper so he made out. We're still stuffed and I would imagine that we will be spending the biggest part of our day that way.
I would love to show you pictures of Cooper in his Easter outfit. But I can't. He messed it up. I also would love to show you pictures of Cooper in his outfit that Grandma Gloria got him that was just for Easter (it said "Somebunny Loves Me"). But I can't. He messed it up to. He then proceeded to complete the Easter egg hunt in nothing but a diaper. Because that's what happens when you mess in your pants.
I was going to show you pictures of Cooper opening his Easter basket, but they are kinda boring to be honest. But when I downloaded the pictures onto the computer, I found some pictures that are really good that I haven't seen in awhile. So how about a trip down memory lane?
Just call him Hugh.
Thanksgiving at my Mom and Dad's house.
Feel free to laugh your hiney off. Our Christmas Vacation party. Cheri as the aunt with the jewelry, Bobby as cousin Eddie, and Nate as Clark. Check out the squirrel on his shoulder.
Our first Christmas!
New Year's Eve at Lake Lure
New Year's Eve at Lake Lure. Nate and Cooper, Kole, Brooks and Zach, and Steve.
Mom and Cooper on her 50th birthday.
Our first Thanksgiving!
I'm not quite sure when this was. But check out the male pattern baldness. On Cooper, not Nate.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Seven Months of Bliss
***I tried to post this last night but have been experiencing difficulties with technology. Please forgive me.***
Okay, so I may have promised you a post Tuesday. And I may not have done it. But hey! I have a kid! And a husband on a fishing trip! And I teach middle schoolers all day long! Cut me some slack!
The most important thing that I can tell you today is that Cooper is seven months old. SEVEN MONTHS! Where in the world did the time go? How did he get so old so fast? How did he get so big? It doesn't make sense to me. However, I will tell you this. It has been the most fabulous seven months. No two days are the same. Cooper is getting big, he's growing, he's thriving. He's this wonderful, precious, special little boy that warms my heart and makes me feel all melty inside. Happy seven month birthday booger face! I love you with all that I have!
Now, I know it's been a while so let me update you with some news from the week.
First, I have to give a great big shout out to Ashley and Mike Harroll on the arrival of Hank and Toby last Friday (4/15). Mom, Cooper, and I were able to visit the twins on Sunday and they are SO precious. Hank was 4 pounds 1 ounce and Toby was 2 pounds 12 ounces. They are just the cutest little things ever. Congratulations you two! Now, when's the next one coming? I kid, I kid!
Nate has been on a fishing trip with his Dad this week. But no fears, I've not been lonely! My Mom, my Aunt, and my Grandma have been keeping me plenty occupied during his absence. And truthfully, I don't know if they come to see me at all. I'm pretty sure that it all has to do with Cooper.
Insert frowning face.
Anyways, I haven't received any pictures with giant bass fish attached to the end of the line. I would say that's not a good sign. But I do know that he's having a wonderful time and that he sounds relaxed and rejuvinated when I talk to him on the phone.
By the way, did I mention that Cooper started saying "Dada" this week? It seems that as soon as Nate left he decided to take it upon himself to begin talking about him. When he said it last night I'm pretty sure Grandma Gloria's chin hit the floor. It was hilarious. And he says it in the cutest, tiniest little voice. I love that kid.
Some people think that I'm nuts. Those people pretty much consist of the gals that I work with that find me rather anal, overprotective, etc. (PS - I love these women. They keep me sane through the day). So when I walked in to the lunch the other day and proudly announced that I had started planning Cooper's first birthday party they smiled those big, toothy smiles that plainly say, "I think you have officially lost your mind," and gave each other sideways glances that confirmed said look. I can't help it. It's who I am. It's who I'll always be. But oh, just let me tell you, this kid is going to have a par-tay. I'll leave the details out of it for now. But I'm pretty sure my kid is going to be the talk of the town. It's going to be like "My Super Sweet First." He's probably going to ask for a BMW or a horse or even worse, belly dancers at the party. Oy.
I leave you with several pictures that I have taken over the past several days. I have many. I know. You're shocked.
Last Saturday we went to the Crop for the Cure put on by my cousin Kae at Rose-Hulman. It's such a wonderful event and she works so hard to raise money for breast cancer awareness.
Here's a picture of Coop at the Crop.
Because the carrot wasn't quite enough (or maybe because Mommy took it away, choking hazard Grandma!) he stretched out, stiff as a board style, for a bottle.
But one must strive on! Keep up and never go to sleep! Because there are too many women to look at! Too many women to flirt with! And too many compliments to hear!
That is, until you get home...
On Sunday of last week we went to Indy to see Ashley and the twins and also to pick up Aunt Tanja. After such a long day, a person just wants to come home and chill out in their pajamas that are too small for them.
...until it's time for some medicine. Yeah, Nate. Thanks for leaving us for the week. The week he's on an antibiotic. Noooo, you won't be paid back.
Screaming while taking the medicine was just too overwhelming.
Chillin' out. Getting some exercise. Working on my glutes.
Lola misses Nate.
To crawl or not to crawl. Definitely not to crawl. It's too much work.
Geez. Exercise, thinking about crawling, it's just more than a kid can handle.
Okay, so I may have promised you a post Tuesday. And I may not have done it. But hey! I have a kid! And a husband on a fishing trip! And I teach middle schoolers all day long! Cut me some slack!
The most important thing that I can tell you today is that Cooper is seven months old. SEVEN MONTHS! Where in the world did the time go? How did he get so old so fast? How did he get so big? It doesn't make sense to me. However, I will tell you this. It has been the most fabulous seven months. No two days are the same. Cooper is getting big, he's growing, he's thriving. He's this wonderful, precious, special little boy that warms my heart and makes me feel all melty inside. Happy seven month birthday booger face! I love you with all that I have!
Now, I know it's been a while so let me update you with some news from the week.
First, I have to give a great big shout out to Ashley and Mike Harroll on the arrival of Hank and Toby last Friday (4/15). Mom, Cooper, and I were able to visit the twins on Sunday and they are SO precious. Hank was 4 pounds 1 ounce and Toby was 2 pounds 12 ounces. They are just the cutest little things ever. Congratulations you two! Now, when's the next one coming? I kid, I kid!
Nate has been on a fishing trip with his Dad this week. But no fears, I've not been lonely! My Mom, my Aunt, and my Grandma have been keeping me plenty occupied during his absence. And truthfully, I don't know if they come to see me at all. I'm pretty sure that it all has to do with Cooper.
Insert frowning face.
Anyways, I haven't received any pictures with giant bass fish attached to the end of the line. I would say that's not a good sign. But I do know that he's having a wonderful time and that he sounds relaxed and rejuvinated when I talk to him on the phone.
By the way, did I mention that Cooper started saying "Dada" this week? It seems that as soon as Nate left he decided to take it upon himself to begin talking about him. When he said it last night I'm pretty sure Grandma Gloria's chin hit the floor. It was hilarious. And he says it in the cutest, tiniest little voice. I love that kid.
Some people think that I'm nuts. Those people pretty much consist of the gals that I work with that find me rather anal, overprotective, etc. (PS - I love these women. They keep me sane through the day). So when I walked in to the lunch the other day and proudly announced that I had started planning Cooper's first birthday party they smiled those big, toothy smiles that plainly say, "I think you have officially lost your mind," and gave each other sideways glances that confirmed said look. I can't help it. It's who I am. It's who I'll always be. But oh, just let me tell you, this kid is going to have a par-tay. I'll leave the details out of it for now. But I'm pretty sure my kid is going to be the talk of the town. It's going to be like "My Super Sweet First." He's probably going to ask for a BMW or a horse or even worse, belly dancers at the party. Oy.
I leave you with several pictures that I have taken over the past several days. I have many. I know. You're shocked.
Last Saturday we went to the Crop for the Cure put on by my cousin Kae at Rose-Hulman. It's such a wonderful event and she works so hard to raise money for breast cancer awareness.
Here's a picture of Coop at the Crop.
And here's a picture of Cooper eating a carrot that Grandma Glo gave him at the Crop. Tisk, tisk.
Because the carrot wasn't quite enough (or maybe because Mommy took it away, choking hazard Grandma!) he stretched out, stiff as a board style, for a bottle.
Now, when you go to an event where there are hundreds of women, and you keep getting picked up by them and held with your head in their bossoms and told how cute you are, it can tend to wear a person out.
But one must strive on! Keep up and never go to sleep! Because there are too many women to look at! Too many women to flirt with! And too many compliments to hear!
That is, until you get home...
This is a picture of something very dear to me. My first full sweet tea from McDonald's since around December of 2009. You know, pregnancy and breastfeeding and all. But the temptation overcame me, and I didn't care if my kid was all hopped up on caffeine. I NEEDED that sweet tea. It was calling for me.
On Sunday of last week we went to Indy to see Ashley and the twins and also to pick up Aunt Tanja. After such a long day, a person just wants to come home and chill out in their pajamas that are too small for them.
But evenutally, sleep will overcome you. "TURN THE LIGHT OFF MOM!"
What a cutie...
...until it's time for some medicine. Yeah, Nate. Thanks for leaving us for the week. The week he's on an antibiotic. Noooo, you won't be paid back.
Screaming while taking the medicine was just too overwhelming.
Chillin' out. Getting some exercise. Working on my glutes.
Lola misses Nate.
To crawl or not to crawl. Definitely not to crawl. It's too much work.
Geez. Exercise, thinking about crawling, it's just more than a kid can handle.
Monday, April 18, 2011
New Post
A new post is coming, I promise. I'm just so sleepy tonight that it's not going to be until tomorrow. However, Cooper got his six month pictures taken and I would like for all of you to see! Major kudos to Ericka Hostetter! She did a fabulous job!
1) Go to
2) Enter the website in whatever way suits you best
3) Click on "Client Proofing"
4) Enter your e-mail address
5) Enter the password cooper6
And be prepared for the ultimate in cuteness.
More tomorrow. That's a promise!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
1) Go to
2) Enter the website in whatever way suits you best
3) Click on "Client Proofing"
4) Enter your e-mail address
5) Enter the password cooper6
And be prepared for the ultimate in cuteness.
More tomorrow. That's a promise!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Thursday, April 14, 2011
We Have a Problem
There is a problem of huge proportions in the Myers family. So big that I dare not speak of it. Well, alright. Since you twisted my arm.
I love television. LOVE it. It relaxes me. It takes me away from the stress of the world and puts me into a mystical land of laugh tracks and smutty drama. Until Nate comes home. Or to bed. Or anywhere within 3 feet of the television.
You see, I have specific shows that I like to watch. Nate watches a lot of them. We watch these shows together and the rest get DVR'd. For me anyways. Nate doesn't have to do this. Why, you ask? Because HE DOMINATES THE TELEVISION! I will be perfectly content, laying in bed before he comes up, watching some television show about a housewife or a wedding dress or a house hunt. I divert my eyes for no more than two seconds and BAM! The Golf Channel is on. Usually. Sometimes it goes BAM! Lion eating it's prey. Now, there are shows on The Golf Channel that I enjoy, all of them being related to reality television. However, I do not care about adjusting my swing to get more out of my driver. I do not want to watch the wildebeest stealthy stalk whatever he's planning on having for dinner. I just want to sit down, enjoy some smut, and relax. I certainly do not want to learn and I certainly do not want to see blood.
Go ahead. Ask Nate about this. He can't deny it.
We had day care yesterday. They always ask that we leave an outfit in case a child somehow messes up the first (and I use that term loosely). Cooper starts out the day in a darling outfit of navy pants and a long sleeved onesie. He messes it up (again, term is loose) and they put a second one on him. As he's being changed, he decides to mess up the second (get why the term is used loosely now?). So they have no other outfits because surely he won't mess up two whole outfits in seven hours! Wrong. And so when I picked him up, he was wearing this little lovely.
Needless to say, he won't be wearing this beautiful ensemble again.
Unless he messes up another outfit.
UPDATE: Since posting this entry, Nate has read it. He first told me that the wildebeest does not stalk, it gets stalked. My bad. And then, for good measure, he lectured me on how my lack of taste for educational television has kept me from learning that the wildebeest is not a natural predator. I can't make this stuff up folks.
He then asked me to go to sleep because this is his time of the night to spend by himself. My, my how three and a half years of marriage and a baby changes things!
I love television. LOVE it. It relaxes me. It takes me away from the stress of the world and puts me into a mystical land of laugh tracks and smutty drama. Until Nate comes home. Or to bed. Or anywhere within 3 feet of the television.
You see, I have specific shows that I like to watch. Nate watches a lot of them. We watch these shows together and the rest get DVR'd. For me anyways. Nate doesn't have to do this. Why, you ask? Because HE DOMINATES THE TELEVISION! I will be perfectly content, laying in bed before he comes up, watching some television show about a housewife or a wedding dress or a house hunt. I divert my eyes for no more than two seconds and BAM! The Golf Channel is on. Usually. Sometimes it goes BAM! Lion eating it's prey. Now, there are shows on The Golf Channel that I enjoy, all of them being related to reality television. However, I do not care about adjusting my swing to get more out of my driver. I do not want to watch the wildebeest stealthy stalk whatever he's planning on having for dinner. I just want to sit down, enjoy some smut, and relax. I certainly do not want to learn and I certainly do not want to see blood.
Go ahead. Ask Nate about this. He can't deny it.
We had day care yesterday. They always ask that we leave an outfit in case a child somehow messes up the first (and I use that term loosely). Cooper starts out the day in a darling outfit of navy pants and a long sleeved onesie. He messes it up (again, term is loose) and they put a second one on him. As he's being changed, he decides to mess up the second (get why the term is used loosely now?). So they have no other outfits because surely he won't mess up two whole outfits in seven hours! Wrong. And so when I picked him up, he was wearing this little lovely.
Needless to say, he won't be wearing this beautiful ensemble again.
Unless he messes up another outfit.
UPDATE: Since posting this entry, Nate has read it. He first told me that the wildebeest does not stalk, it gets stalked. My bad. And then, for good measure, he lectured me on how my lack of taste for educational television has kept me from learning that the wildebeest is not a natural predator. I can't make this stuff up folks.
He then asked me to go to sleep because this is his time of the night to spend by himself. My, my how three and a half years of marriage and a baby changes things!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Oh Weekend
Oh weekend. What a tease you are. How fast you go by. How I wish you would stick around longer.
We started the weekend with a nice walk on Friday night to the Bobby and Cheri's house. The weather was so beautiful and it was just a nice evening to sit outside with friends and enjoy. We came home, watched the replays of the Masters, then went to bed. Ah, a glorious night.
By the way, Cooper now likes his pacifier like this...
Yesterday (Saturday) we woke up with different intentions than what actually happened. Nate headed out for the golf course at about 8:00 in the morning. Needless to say, he was back to the house by 8:45 due to the crazy weather. So what did we do? Well, we acted like an old married couple of course! He sat in the recliner drinking his coffee and we watched the news together. I did get this really cute picture out of it though.
After a rainy morning nap I got up and dressed and Nate drove Coop and I to Worthington for a baby shower for Ashley. There are a few things about this that I feel need to be shared.
1) I don't see my friends from "home" enough. I feel like every time that I see them it has been too long. It only happens at showers and weddings. Something needs to be done about this.
2) Ashley looks great. The twins are going to be born sometime between this Friday, April 15 or Easter Sunday. Prayers would be appreciated!
3) And this might be my most important point. If you know me and how I am with Cooper, you know that I am, let's say, a little picky about what he eats. Some might say anal. Anyways, I look down the table at the shower and this is what I see.
Why, what is on the end of that finger that is going into Cooper's mouth? That would be whipped cream icing. On the end of Ashley's finger. And did she dip his pacifier in said icing and give it to him? Why yes, yes she did. She had better be glad that she's preggers.
Today we started our day by going to church and then heading to Lowe's. Nate planted some Phlox on the west side of the house and then mowed the yard while Cooper and I got a few things done in the house, including a nap. After we were pumped, fed, and napped we went outside too.
Wonder what that grass feels like...
Oh, I don't know about that.
My two kids, just chillin' out on a nice day.
And because one nap just isn't enough...
The rest of the day will be spent finishing up the Masters and preparing for the week ahead. Am I blessed? I would say so.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
We started the weekend with a nice walk on Friday night to the Bobby and Cheri's house. The weather was so beautiful and it was just a nice evening to sit outside with friends and enjoy. We came home, watched the replays of the Masters, then went to bed. Ah, a glorious night.
By the way, Cooper now likes his pacifier like this...
Yesterday (Saturday) we woke up with different intentions than what actually happened. Nate headed out for the golf course at about 8:00 in the morning. Needless to say, he was back to the house by 8:45 due to the crazy weather. So what did we do? Well, we acted like an old married couple of course! He sat in the recliner drinking his coffee and we watched the news together. I did get this really cute picture out of it though.
After a rainy morning nap I got up and dressed and Nate drove Coop and I to Worthington for a baby shower for Ashley. There are a few things about this that I feel need to be shared.
1) I don't see my friends from "home" enough. I feel like every time that I see them it has been too long. It only happens at showers and weddings. Something needs to be done about this.
2) Ashley looks great. The twins are going to be born sometime between this Friday, April 15 or Easter Sunday. Prayers would be appreciated!
3) And this might be my most important point. If you know me and how I am with Cooper, you know that I am, let's say, a little picky about what he eats. Some might say anal. Anyways, I look down the table at the shower and this is what I see.
Why, what is on the end of that finger that is going into Cooper's mouth? That would be whipped cream icing. On the end of Ashley's finger. And did she dip his pacifier in said icing and give it to him? Why yes, yes she did. She had better be glad that she's preggers.
Today we started our day by going to church and then heading to Lowe's. Nate planted some Phlox on the west side of the house and then mowed the yard while Cooper and I got a few things done in the house, including a nap. After we were pumped, fed, and napped we went outside too.
Wonder what that grass feels like...
Oh, I don't know about that.
My two kids, just chillin' out on a nice day.
And because one nap just isn't enough...
The rest of the day will be spent finishing up the Masters and preparing for the week ahead. Am I blessed? I would say so.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Oh, the Hilarity
I forgot a very funny story the other day and I think it's only right that I share it now.
When the wood floors were put in I bought a new ceiling fan. The one that we had didn't work and it was pretty generic and that just wouldn't do in my newly redone living room. So Cheri and I set off for Lowe's and bought this beautiful ceiling fan and light. The floors got put in but the ceiling fan didn't. Time got away from us so that fan just sat. Until this weekend.
Nate decided that he was going to put the fan up on Saturday. When Cooper was sleeping. On the couch about three feet away.
But I digress.
He taped over the switches and told me that it was IMPERATIVE that I not turn them on because he WILL get electrocuted. He then reiterated this point a good five or six times, like I was a middle school girl more concerned with chomping on my gum and twirling my hair than a wife and Mom who actually, I don't know, wants her husband to LIVE.
But again, I digress.
So I'm in the kitchen preparing food for the game talking to Cheri on the phone and I hear, well, a very unpretty word. We'll replace it with the word puppy (anybody else seen that Friends episode?). So I'm talking to Cheri and I hear, "PUPPY!" I look up, scream "Are you okay?!" He gets off of the ladder, walks toward me (head down I might add) and eventually says, "The puppy-in' fan shocked the puppy out of me!"
Cheri says, "I'll send Bobby over."
I said, "ASAP please."
Next thing I know, the television goes off and the breaker had been switched. Hmm...
After the breaker got switched, he walked in all defeated like talking about getting puppy-in' electrocuted. And the tape that he had over the switches that he was just so sure that I was going to turn on? It was peeled off immediately.
To hear Nate tell the story, he would say something along these lines:
I was up on the ladder and I had the puppy-in' fan in one hand. I went to reach for the wires and the puppy-in' things were still hot. Next thing I know, the fan is shaking up and down [as he erratically shakes his arms up and down] and it electrocuted the puppy out of me!"
You'll be happy to know that there have been no major side effects. Besides the fact that Nate thinks he's 28. And it's the year 2008. And he's pretty sure Purdue was in the Final Four this past weekend.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
When the wood floors were put in I bought a new ceiling fan. The one that we had didn't work and it was pretty generic and that just wouldn't do in my newly redone living room. So Cheri and I set off for Lowe's and bought this beautiful ceiling fan and light. The floors got put in but the ceiling fan didn't. Time got away from us so that fan just sat. Until this weekend.
Nate decided that he was going to put the fan up on Saturday. When Cooper was sleeping. On the couch about three feet away.
But I digress.
He taped over the switches and told me that it was IMPERATIVE that I not turn them on because he WILL get electrocuted. He then reiterated this point a good five or six times, like I was a middle school girl more concerned with chomping on my gum and twirling my hair than a wife and Mom who actually, I don't know, wants her husband to LIVE.
But again, I digress.
So I'm in the kitchen preparing food for the game talking to Cheri on the phone and I hear, well, a very unpretty word. We'll replace it with the word puppy (anybody else seen that Friends episode?). So I'm talking to Cheri and I hear, "PUPPY!" I look up, scream "Are you okay?!" He gets off of the ladder, walks toward me (head down I might add) and eventually says, "The puppy-in' fan shocked the puppy out of me!"
Cheri says, "I'll send Bobby over."
I said, "ASAP please."
Next thing I know, the television goes off and the breaker had been switched. Hmm...
After the breaker got switched, he walked in all defeated like talking about getting puppy-in' electrocuted. And the tape that he had over the switches that he was just so sure that I was going to turn on? It was peeled off immediately.
To hear Nate tell the story, he would say something along these lines:
I was up on the ladder and I had the puppy-in' fan in one hand. I went to reach for the wires and the puppy-in' things were still hot. Next thing I know, the fan is shaking up and down [as he erratically shakes his arms up and down] and it electrocuted the puppy out of me!"
You'll be happy to know that there have been no major side effects. Besides the fact that Nate thinks he's 28. And it's the year 2008. And he's pretty sure Purdue was in the Final Four this past weekend.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, April 4, 2011
What A Weekend!
What a weekend we had in the Myers house! I feel that it would be best described through pictures. So here we go!
Friday nights are always a wind down night at our house. By Friday we (and by we I mean Nate and I) are just tired and ready to relax. Saturday mornings, if we don't have anything to do, are so wonderful. We get Cooper, lay in bed, and spend some quality time together. This Saturday we woke up and Cooper had a major case of the bed head. It...was...ha-larious.
And then when I was trying to take a picture of said bed head, the flash decided to go off which resulted in this little lovely.
I hope that made you laugh as hard as it made me laugh!
We then had to prepare for the big Butler game. Mom and Dad came over, along with Bobby and Cheri.
This is how Cooper preps for a big game.
But after the nap we had to get out of the house. Our neighbors have a baby swing that they put up just for Cooper, so we took advantage of the beautiful weather and tried it out! Cooper loved it!
Eventually we got him sat in there better and he enjoyed himself much more. By the way, check out those cute little feet!
After our jaunt around the neighborhood we came home and had dinner with Bobby and Cheri because we had SO many leftovers. And yes, we will be eating them again this evening too. Anyways, I figured that I had better get started on getting the bags ready for our Monday morning, so Nate put Cooper in the Bumbo on the counter while I worked. Please prepare yourself for the ultimate in cuteness.
And I leave you with my own personal SuperCooper. My little knight. My wonderful baby boy. Shall I go on?
Friday nights are always a wind down night at our house. By Friday we (and by we I mean Nate and I) are just tired and ready to relax. Saturday mornings, if we don't have anything to do, are so wonderful. We get Cooper, lay in bed, and spend some quality time together. This Saturday we woke up and Cooper had a major case of the bed head. It...was...ha-larious.
And then when I was trying to take a picture of said bed head, the flash decided to go off which resulted in this little lovely.
I hope that made you laugh as hard as it made me laugh!
We then had to prepare for the big Butler game. Mom and Dad came over, along with Bobby and Cheri.
This is how Cooper preps for a big game.
This is how Lola prepared for the game. In case you're wondering, she was watching The Mayne Event with Kenny Mayne. He did a special on Blue II.
I'm pretty sure she has a crush on him. Because this is what she was sporting during the game.
We had a great time watching the game. We had lots of food, good company, and an exciting game.
We woke up early on Sunday and hung out around the house. Then we got ready and headed to church. What did Cooper wear? I'm glad you asked.
What do you think of that acrobatic move, anyways? One foot in the air, both hands on the pacifier. And yes, both socks were pulled off by the wee one during church and I'm pretty sure both of them ended up in his mouth. They didn't get put back on for the rest of the day.
So we were definitely ready for a day to just hang out on Sunday. You know, to prepare to stay up until 9:30 for the Butler game tonight. Of course, if you're going to just chill out a nap is in order.
But after the nap we had to get out of the house. Our neighbors have a baby swing that they put up just for Cooper, so we took advantage of the beautiful weather and tried it out! Cooper loved it!
Eventually we got him sat in there better and he enjoyed himself much more. By the way, check out those cute little feet!
After our jaunt around the neighborhood we came home and had dinner with Bobby and Cheri because we had SO many leftovers. And yes, we will be eating them again this evening too. Anyways, I figured that I had better get started on getting the bags ready for our Monday morning, so Nate put Cooper in the Bumbo on the counter while I worked. Please prepare yourself for the ultimate in cuteness.
Then we went out to sit on the back deck to enjoy the wonderful weather. And have another photo shoot.
And I leave you with my own personal SuperCooper. My little knight. My wonderful baby boy. Shall I go on?
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