What a day yesterday was! It started the night before with a phone call at 11:40 from Laura saying the words that I've been waiting 9 months to hear. Her water broke! After a very quick labor and delivery, Blake Andrew was born into the world at 5:07 am. He was 6 lb 14 oz and 20 in long. To hear that Mommy and baby are both healthy is wonderful. I cannot wait to meet the little guy. Cooper's new BFF! Congratulations Laura and Alex! Parenthood is the most wonderful experience of one's life.
So it's another snow/ice day. That means another day off with Cooper James! Today is extra special because we're also getting a visit from Grandma Kim and Great Grandma Gloria. After our trip to the hospital I'm hoping to talk them into a little bit of shopping. Surely with Grandma Gloria that won't be a problem!
We also are going to tackle rice cereal today. The whole experience has been, well, difficult so far. For a kid as hungry as what Coop is you would think he would gladly swallow that stuff down. But his Mommy is beyond determined and the goal is to get him to eat it with authority by next Monday. Hoping for success!
Many are wondering and I will tell you that Nate's Lasik surgery went well and I feel like he is very happy that he did it. I truly think that the main reason that he did it was so that he could "jump into the pool with Cooper and not have to worry about losing a contact." Here is a picture of Cooper in the beautiful goggles that Nate wears to bed. Priceless.
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