
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Tale of the Missing Sock

So I'm from Worthington.  When I told somebody I was from Greene County last week (a student I might add) she said, "You're from Greenetucky?!"  Why yes. Yes I am.

And I know a lot of you that read this blog appreciate the Greene County love.  I was born there.  I was raised there.  I love it there.  I love the nuances of growing up in a small town.  I love that I was considered a "city girl" even though that "city" was surrounded by corn and beans.  Basketball games are where you found almost the entire population on Friday nights and if you wanted to cruise town with your friends you had to drive fifteen minutes to another town to do so.  It isn't uncommon to see a cow roaming the streets and almost every house has a deer head (or turkey, or squirrel, doesn't matter as long as it's stuffed) in it.

Part of what I have taken with me from Worthington is a strong desire to be barefoot.  Always.  I don't like wearing shoes.  I water flowers barefoot.  I walk my kid up and down the sidewalk barefoot.  My living room is littered with my shoes because the first thing that I do when I come home is kick them off.

And yeah, right.  Like I'm actually going to walk all the way upstairs to put them in my closet.  Forget it.

I take my shoes off at work.  I walk around my classroom barefoot.  I can't help it.  It's ingrained in me!

But here's where things start getting sticky.

This small habit of mine has transferred onto my son.

He has a really strong aversion to socks.  He flat out refuses to keep them on his feet.

We take him to day care with them on.  He returns with them off.

I'll put him in the car with them on.  When I get him out, they are thrown across the car.

Sometimes I'll even find them under the cushions of the car seat.  All hidden and tucked away, like he was hoping I would never find them.

And these socks have been a major pain in our house.

Lola likes to eat them.

They wad themselves up and then made our washer leak.

But anyways, he dislikes them.  Pulls them right off and then chucks them.

So it was no surprise last week when I found this laying on the floor.

But where was the other one?  I had found one sock, but the other was nowhere in sight.

Great.  I'll probably find that in Lola's food bowl.

Oh wait.  There it is.